Ad Hoc Design / Development

At Elixir Web Studio, we offer design/development pricing in one simple way.

We follow a credit-based approach. This makes it much clearer what your costs will be at the outset. The base cost of one credit is £75.

The number of credits that need to be purchased for a task/collection of tasks is based on us first estimating how complex the task(s) are, i.e. how much time/effort will be needed to perform the task(s) in conjunction with how urgent it is. See the table below to see the credit breakdown.

Complexity / Difficulty
Simple (1h-3h)
Standard (4h-8h)
Complex (9h-12h)
Not Urgent (10-15 days)
Urgent (5-9 days)
Critical (1-4 days)

Note: any task/collection of tasks that we estimate will require more than “Complex” effort (i.e., more than 12 hours) we will quote using a fixed-price project proposal instead.

Pre-pay Discounts

We also offer the facility to pre-pay for blocks of design / development credits (discounts kick in from 20 credits).

Pre-paid blocks of credits do not have an expiration date.

You can purchase credits here.

How It Works

When you require design/development changes to your site, the process is as follows:

First, submit your request using the form found here.

We will estimate the effort (there may be a little back and forth to clarify the requirements) and based on the urgency you indicate we will inform you how many credits we have estimated will be required (along with your current pre-pay credits balance, if applicable), seeking your approval.

Once you provide approval to proceed:

If you have pre-pay credits

If your pre-pay credits balance covers the work, we will schedule the work (according to the agreed urgency). However, if your credits balance is insufficient to cover the credit cost, we’ll send you an invoice for the difference. On receipt of payment, we’ll then schedule the work according to the agreed urgency.

If you do NOT have pre-pay credits

We will send you an invoice to cover the cost of the necessary credits. On receipt of payment, we’ll then schedule the work according to the agreed urgency.

TIP: It is more cost effective to try and lump as many tasks into a request as possible for estimation. For example, 2 standard complexity, non-urgent tasks (say, 4 hours effort each) would consume 5 credits if they were part of a single request. However, if they were requested separately, they would consume 10 credits (5 for each request). In other words, “drip feeding” requests to us will work out, economically speaking, less effective for you.


You can also, at any time, cash in any unused pre-pay credits. However, please note that any refund will factor in appropriate adjustments to the discount originally applied based on the number of credits used prior to the refund request.

So, if you purchased 60 credits (with its 15% discount) and the base undiscounted price was £75 per credit, your purchase cost would have been:

60 x £75 = £4,500 --> less 15% discount (£675) = £3,825

Refund Example 1: A refund of 55 credits (from the original 60, having used 5 credits). 5 credits is below any discount tier and so has 0% discount applicable to it, and so would refund:

£3,825 --> less cost of 5 credits with 0% discount (5 x £75) --> £3,825 - £375 = £3,450

Refund Example 2: However, a refund of 40 credits (from the original 60, having used 20 credits). 20 credits fall in the tier for a 5% discount, and so would refund:

£3,825 --> less cost of 20 credits with 5% discount (20 x £71.25) --> £3,825 - £1,425 = £2,400.

Finally, should you ask for a refund it’s possible there may be multiple discount tiers in play, i.e. maybe you bought 20 credits (at a 5% discount), and before they were all consumed you “topped-up” your credits by purchasing another 30 credits (at a 10% discount). Credit blocks are consumed in the order they are purchased, and so in such cases, refunds are calculated using the most recent block purchased and working backwards as applicable.

Note: All prices are exclusive of VAT.

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Elixir Web Studio is a trading name of YourScope Consulting Ltd.
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